
Friday Oct 3, 2014

Finally the big day to start the cruise arrived. Nonetheless I was a bit behind the 8-ball on preparation for various reasons not directly related to the cruise. I had in my mind to leave work at 12pm and get underway at 2. Ideally I would have had the car loaded and ready to go at noon. But I set about gathering the food and clothes and other items that I needed. In the process I had to go to various stores and backtrack. I left the dock at 5pm.

Some of the provisions.

A nice sunset on the way.

I knew it was going to get dark before I reached Goose Pond. So I carried on as far as I could in the dark. I noticed that I could see the various channel markers better with binoculars. I finally arrived at Mill Creek. I picked this since I was familiar with this location since we had rafted up there in 2013.


1705 - underway

1717 - turned 090 (near the big steps)

1748 - passed under US 431 bridge north of Guntersville.

1826 - sunset

1852 - passed Seyboldt light

1907 - passed under power lines

2005 - dropped anchor near Columbia Ferry light at Mill Creek (mm 367)
